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Kambo is a traditional Amazonian medicine that involves the application of a secretion from the Phyllomedusa Bicolor frog, also known as the Giant Monkey Tree Frog. This secretion has been used for centuries by indigenous tribes for its powerful cleansing and healing properties.


Kambo is often referred to as "nature’s vaccine." It works on multiple levels—physically, emotionally, and spiritually—to help cleanse the body, release negative energies, and restore balance. When applied to small burn points on the skin, the secretion is absorbed into your system, triggering a process of deep release and renewal. While the experience can be intense, many find that it leads to profound healing, clarity, and a sense of being deeply connected to oneself and the world around them.


It's important to know that Kambo is not just a medicine; it’s a sacred ritual.  This medicine has it’s own intelligence, is here to support you in embodying your highest self, and in clearing out anything that does not serve you anymore.  Kambo helps to release what is ready to go.

Kambo has a way of giving us exactly what we need, even if it’s not always what we want.  This is an opportunity for deep healing, so be gentle with yourself, listen to your body, and allow the medicine to work its magic.

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The Power is in the Peptides

Science has recently come to show that the benefits experienced from Kambo are actually due to a unique and potent blend of bioactive peptides found in the secretion.  This has made Kambo more recently known as 'peptide therapy' or a 'peptide supplement'.

Energetic Conditions Kambo Can Support
  • Living in the Body Instead of the Mind

  • Self Love, Compassion, Boundaries

  • Voice Activation - Speaking Your Truth

  • Releasing Repressed Emotions, Stories, Trauma

  • Clearing Stagnant / Dense Energies

  • Balancing / Harmonizing Chakras

  • Support with Life Decisions / Transitions

  • Clearing Past Relationships

  • Releasing Destructive Patterns

  • Cleansing the Auric Field

  • Increased Clarity, Stamina, Energetic Resilience

Physical Conditions Kambo Can Support
  • Depression / Anxiety

  • PCOD

  • Hormone Imbalance

  • Migraines

  • Gut / Digestive Issues

  • Lyme's Disease

  • Autoimmune Conditions

  • Arthritic/Chronic Pain

  • PTSD

  • Blood Circulation Problems (Raynaud's)

  • Covid Long-Haul

  • Cancer (Tumors)

  • Alzheimer's and Parkinson's

Tropical Leaves

What Are Peptides? A peptide is a short chain of amino acid monomers linked by peptide bonds. Bioactive peptides are what is found in Kambo, and these exert a positive effect in humans due to their health-promoting properties. Bioactive peptides can exert several beneficial effects like preventing diseases or modulating the physiological systems once they are absorbed in the human body. The main families of bioactive peptides identified in Kambo so far include : Phyllomedusin - Such as tachykinins (which also act as neuropeptides) - produce contraction at the smooth muscle level and increase secretions of the entire gastrointestinal tract Phyllokinin and Phyllomedusions - Both are potent vasodilators, increasing the permeability of the blood-brain barrier both for their own access as well as for that of other active peptides. Medusins are in this family which have antimicrobial and antifungal properties. Caeruleains and Sauvagines - Peptides with 40 chains of amino acids. They have myotropic properties on the smooth muscle, producing a contraction of the colon and urinary bladder, produce a drop in BP accompanied by tachycardia. They stimulate the pituitary gland and adrenal cortex, contributing to greater sensory perception and increased resistance. Both peptides possess a great analgesic power, which contributes to increased physical strength, capacity to confront pain, stress, disease and diminish the symptoms of fatigue. In the medical field this family of peptides contributes to improved digestion and has analgesic properties against pain in renal colic, pain due to peripheral vascular insufficiency and tumor pain. Dermorphin and Deltorphin - Selective agonists of the opiate delta receptors, 4000 times more potent than morphine without addictive properties, and 40 times more than endogenous endorphins. Adenoregulins - Work on the human body through the adenosine receptors. These receptors may offer a target for the treatment of depression, stroke and cognitive loss diseases, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Dermaseptins - Show lethal effects against filamentous fungi responsible for infections which accompany immunodeficiency syndrome and use of immunosuppressive agents. Show lethal effects against a broad spectrum of bacteria, fungi, yeasts and protozoa. Several years of research carried out at the University of Paris have shown that peptides Dermaseptin B2 and B3 are effective in kidding certain types of cancer cells. Research at Queens University in Belfast recently won a prestigious award for ground breaking work with cancer and Kambo. It's action mechanism is produced by inhibiting the angiogenesis of tumor cells, with selective cytotoxicity for these cells. Bradykinins - Important sources of scientific study as they are hypotensive and due to producing vasodilation, contraction of the non-vascular smooth muscle, increased vascular permeability and relation to mechanism of inflammatory pain. Bombesins - Peptides stimulate secretion of hydrochloric acid by acting on G cells of stomach. Increase pancreatic secretion, intestinal myoelectric activity and smooth muscle contractility. Ceruleans - Stimulate gastric, bile and pancreatic secretions, and certain smooth muscle. Can be used in the paralytic ileus and as a diagnostic medium in pancreatic dysfuntion. Tryptophilins - Neuropeptides consisting of 4 to 14 amino acids, which are opening up new perspectives on how the human brain works.

What Should I Expect During a Kambo Session? To begin your session with Kambo, I will first use an incense stick to burn three blister points. These blister points only penetrate the first two layers of skin and there is no blood. The dead skin is wiped away and then you have your 'open gates'. Before the medicine is applied, you will drink about 3/4 a liter of water. Once you have consumed the water, I will put 20 minutes on the clock and for your first session, we will start with just one dot of Kambo. Once the medicine is applied, you will likely immediately feel a flush of warmth around the application site, and this will spread throughout the body. There is then something called the 'Kambo wave'. Science explains this per the peptides, but tribal people say that for the first half of the session, when everything is rising, Kambo is scanning all of your bodies - your physical, mental, emotional body to see what needs to be cleared. During the second half of the session, everything slightly drops, and this is when it is said that Kambo clears what is ready to go. For the first half of the session, when everything rises, it is common to experience heat throughout the body, increased heart rate, pressure in the head or pulsing through the lymph, and perhaps a slight swelling of the face (called frog face). Not all symptoms are present for every person in every session, and Kambo works very differently with each person, although there is a general wave. During the second half of the session, everything drops to slightly below normal. Body temperature decreases and heart rate decreases to slightly below normal. Often times for the second half of the session it can feel like you have a bad case of the flu. If you have not purged already, this is typically when the purge will occur. It is important to remember that purging does not mean vomiting, but rather that to purge is to release. This can happen through cold and shivering, heat and sweating, yawning, sighing, cracking joints, movement/somatic release, energetic/vibrational release, spitting, crying or emotional release, story-telling/shedding, vomiting and going to the bathroom. I will be there through your whole session, checking in verbally and supporting you as needed. For your first session, I will let you know once 5-7 minutes have gone by to see if you would like another dot. The dosage per session varies greatly person to person and so we are in communication about this throughout your session. I check in around 10-12 minutes again to see if you would like a third point. If at any point you would like more medicine, it is applied, and if at any point you would like the medicine removed, it is taken off. I am here to support the medicine in supporting you. After 20 minutes, the medicine is removed and the gates are sealed with Sangre de Grado. You rest on my couch, most people nap, while I prepare tea and fruit to refuel after your session.

What is the Preparation/Recovery Period like? To book your Kambo session, please email or text me. I will have you send me over your intentions for working with Kambo, any medications/supplements/substances you are taking along with any major medical concerns. It is important to share this information as detailed and transparently as possible so that I may ensure your safety in working with Kambo. Once I have received this email from you, we will schedule a call to go over all details of your session. You will have a waiver to fill out and then we will proceed with scheduling your session. It is important to be completely dry fasted from everything for at least 7 hours before your session - this means no food, water, coffee, etc. Most people prefer to come early morning for this reason. How people feel after their session varies greatly both person to person and session to session. Some sessions you might leave and wake up the next day with more energy than you can remember having in years; while after other sessions you may feel fatigued or like you have a slight head cold for a day or so after. Either way, the medicine is working, and while it may be more comfortable after some sessions, neither is better. If there is a deep rooted virus or bacteria or condition, it is not uncommon to experiencing herxing during or after your session. This essentially is when some deeply rooted condition is brought to the surface and so we may experience symptoms of this condition again, along with physical discomfort, while it is being cleared from the body. The formal name for herxing is the Jarisch-Herxheimer Reaction.

How is Kambo Harvested? Are the Frogs Hurt? As a Tribal Detox Pracitioner, all Kambo I work with is harvested by the Cocoma Tribe in the Peruvian Amazon. In the jungle it is different. There is a greater awareness of Natural Law, the honoring of all life and how we work together. The Kambo Frog is not harmed during the harvesting of it's secretion, but rather revered for the medicine it provides. Kambo Frogs live high up in the canopies of trees, normally near bodies of water. The Cocoma tribe calls the frogs with their frog sound, and the frogs actually respond, calling back. A person climbs the tree to the nearest frog and pops the frog on their shoulder. The frogs do not resist this. When they come down, the four legs of the frog are gently tied to sticks to make the removal of the secretion as simple as possible. The frog is then stimulated by massaging the feet or tickling the nose with a piece of grass to enhance the secretion. The secretion is lightly scraped from the back half of the frog. The secretion is never taken from the whole frog and this is important so that the frog has secretion left to protect itself in the wild. The secretion is put onto a stick to dry and this whole process takes 2-3 minutes. The frog is then set free on a tree near where it was found.

How Many Session Do You Recommend? 3 sessions within one lunar cycle (28 days) is known as the 'vaccine'. It is said that in your first session, Kambo clears out 50% of what needs to go, and in the remaining two sessions any residue from this is cleared. The truth is - I have seen incredibly powerful processes come to the surface and be released with three sessions in a lunar cycle; however, our healing journey is a lifelong commitment and the number of recommended sessions is going to depend on your intentions, your history, and other factors. Three sessions in a lunar cycle is a powerful way to commit to and receive the healing benefits of this medicine, but you are welcome to commit to one session and see how you feel going forward from there.

What is the Cost Per Session? Your first three Kambo sessions are $250 per person per session (you may come with up to three people per session if you wish, or you are welcome to come alone). All Kambo sessions after your first three sessions are $150 per person per session.

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